• CASE
Taichung famous transmission components process plant

Taichung famous transmission components process plant

Component : Dividing plate
Material : Refining material HRC 28-32
Grinding type : Internal Grinding
(inner size: 26D*25L、50D*5L)
Grinding wheel : PP series 5A 25*25*6

One day in the late night I visited this factory, I was shocked that there are many people still working overtime hours during the pandemic,their sales must be good, so I approached to their master called Ping. After I introduced our product to him than he said: Don't misunderstood our overtime hours, this is an inefficent working hours, we usually process two sizes of workpiece,
inner grinding of Φ26 and Φ50 hole, which needed two different size and spec. during process, and sometimes needed to dress the wheel a lot to overcome some difficulties.
I wonder if there is "one" wheel that can overcome these two different size holes, in decrease of time and consumption of the wheel so that we don't have to work overtime hours.
His irritations is my chance, so I promoted our PP series Internal Grinding Wheels, which can process inner and outer diameter work. 
Charateristics: Good cutting ability, sizing stability, and able to grind twices bigger work than its own size.
So, the process don't need to use CNC two spindle, two formula, two kind of wheels, and two chucking locks to overcome the problem of two size holes in one workpiece.
After master Ping used our PP serie grinding wheel, the process efficiency has improved enormously, and decreased their overtime hours. Now, master Ping is able to be home early to company his wife and kid. In my recent visit, he told me that he's got another new born child, congrates!

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